Sat 11 Jan
LOOKING For A QUALITY Experience?? SUPER BUSTY (38DDD), Mature, Redhead And Seeking YOU!!! - 46
(Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Northern New Jersey, Staten Island, Westchester)
___ INSATIABLE BEAUTIES ____EXtremely SEXY Hot Girls Waiting to PLEASE YOU - 23
💕 Jean❤ Very Classy👠 Very clean👙100% Guaranteed Satisfaction💕 💋Available Now 💋💕 914-218-0798 - 28
(Westchester, Elmsford /White Plains /My Place)
S_E_N_S_U_A_L ===== P_E_T_I_T_E ===== BRUNETT ===== G_I_R_L ==== V_I_S_I_T_I_N_G === S_E_N_S_U_A_L - 23
(TARRYTOWN/ELMSFORD / Rye / White plains)
🍒Royalty💦40$$😍👅Bx incall!! 347💯309💊 4482 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx white plains rd, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e!!! NEW IN TOWN - 21
(Westchester, westchester/yonkers in&out;)
RETTA 🌸Gorgeous Ethiopian Bombshell!! Gentlemen's Choice 💋 Open Minded-Upscale 914 266 2420 - 21
(Downtown, Manhattan, Midtown East, Westchester, white plains tarrytown rockland)
💯% Real 📷🍭⛄Beautiful 🏪🆕SEXY 🎀BOOTY🎀 SuPeR SwEEt 🎄🎁PERFECT 10 BLONDE🎍🎋 ❄💎❄ Ready to Play❄ ID#288194 - 23
(.ღ. WHITE PLAINS / ELMSFORD .ღ., Westchester)
🎉 Party with UConn Maria Best Latina Ass in TARRYTOWN🎉 - 21
(Westchester, TARRYTOWN-100ss 140hh 200hr,INCALL)
°* NW IN TOWN °* B Â U T I F U L °* M O Ð L *° M Â T R I Â L *° - 22
(Rockland County/Westchester)
Real 38D's(.)(.)Come share a memorable time with me....💋💋💋💋IN/OUT CALLS - 36
╠╣OTTEST ❤ ❤ ❤ SMOKIN FOXs ❤ ❤ ❤SWEET GIRLs ❤ 347-997-0797 ❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬GOᖇGƐOᑌᔕ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ASIAN ESCORTS - 21
(Long Island, Long Island & NY Metro area Outcall ONLY)
▬▬▬▬▬ Upscαℓε ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ ßεαuties ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ αvαiℓabℓε! ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥#1 Pℓαγmαtεs - 24
(Westchester, OUTCALLS ONLY)
Real |||||V.i.P.1⃣st CHOICE 🍑😁Specials Hurry and call😘 -incallsss - 23
(Westchester, Ardsley,yonkers)
$$$ SeXY!!! HOT!! $$$$ WILD FaNTaSY$$ LeTS PLaY:0) - 23
(Westchester, Westchester,Rockland•CT•OUTCALLS ONLY)
Hung Ebony Transexual 100% REAL PICTURES (Available Now) GREAT RATES!!! - 23
(Westchester, TARRYTOWN)
Extremely😈Hot🔥🔥🔥& Exotic💄TS Daniela🌟Top&Bottom;💦💨💦New in town😘available Now⚡️📞 - 22
(Elmsford /prívate /location, Westchester)
*M°A °G° I °C° A°L°L°Y ° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S* - ALL ME ALL NATURAL FULLY hung&functional; - 22
(Westchester, Elmsford)
1 0 I N C H T R A N S E X U A L GoDDeSs Sabrina ExTREMELY SeXXy & fully FUNCTIONAL SOLID as a ROCK! - 22
(Westchester, Elmsford Area Ready NOW)
✨❤️ Y__O__U __R _ ❤️✨❤️ S__E__X__ X__Y_ ❤️ ✨❤️ L__I__T__ T__L__E_ ❤ ✨❤️ S__E__C__R__E__T__S ❤️ ✨ - 24
H __O __ T___ T __ E __ S __ T __ * VIP * _______ E _X_C_L_ U_S_I_V_E ____ L_A_T_I_N_A __ SLIM TREAT - 26
*__ ____ __ _ __B R A Z I L I A N_____ ___ ______ M O D E L S _____ ___ _____ __ __ __S P A ___ _ _ - 26
(Westchester, Stamford)
Beautiful & Petite🙊💋 Come Enjoy This Delicious Treat💦🍭🍬🍰 AVAILABLE 24/7😈😈😈 - 21
(Westchester, Elmsford, Westchester, Valley Rd, i287)
♔ BRÅTHTÅKINGLY BÅUTIFUL RUSSIAN ♔Full of extreme energy, 1 0 0 $ spec. - 19
(Westchester, TERRY TOWN / ELMSFORD)
ALL NEW girls!! ★ GORGEOUS ★ PERFECT massage ★ NEW MANAGEMENT!! - 23
(Westchester, Central Ave, White Plains)
Asian. new Asian girls. ♥♥ ♡♥ from Japan. (150hr) 10000% real pix 200/2girls - 21
(Westchester, out calls yonkers Riverdale M.V)
Blonde Elegant Beauty Tall Former Bathing Suit Model Caucasian American - 32
(Westchester, white plains)
Fri 10 Jan
hi guys im sensual latin colombian adriana ready for party time incalls only - 27
(Westchester, eelmsford)
Freak💲💋💲Versatile🍆 💲💋💲Shemal 🍆💲💋💲 Freaky 💲💋💲Herd 🍆Thick💋💲🍆Ready 💲💋💲Explode 💋💲💋Com Help me - 24
(valley route 59, Westchester)
Look no more! VERS T-girl. REAL Pictures. Available Now in ( BRONX, NY ) ***Alone *24/7 - 24
(Westchester, ( BRONX, NY ) ***Alone *24/7)
⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ ✨ Prettiest HUNG & Passable MIXED T-Girl ** NEW IN TOWN ◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️◻️ - 20
(Bronx, Pelham Parkway - Easchester, Westchester)
treat y0ur self t0 tHe f!nesT TH!ngs in life Exotic latina! all westchester - 23
(Westchester, your place)
:*: *SeXY :*: *LATINA :*:100% ReAL :*: ReAdY NoW :*: __ _ _____INCALLS - 18
(INCALLS IN YONKERS/ yonkers ave)
😘🌹Slim Petite💃💎Jamaican&Cherokee; Queen🍒🍓 Mz No Tonselz💦👅 Splash Kakes🍰 - 23
(Uptown bronx/ westchester, Westchester)
SmOkInG HoTT= -= = = -.. = == - = = =BUSTY BLONDE = DD'S. = = .= = = = = =BARBIE DOLLHI - 23
(Westchester, terrytown)
❤❤❤❤ ░【 SNUGGLE 】 ░ ❤░ 【UP】░ ❤░【WITH THE】░ ❤ ░【HOTTEST】 ░ ❤ ░ 【 P A R T Y ---- G I R L S 】 ░ ❤❤❤❤ - 25
(Westchester, WhitePlains//Nanuet//Scarsdale//OUTCALLS)
😍🌹 Sexy Scorpio🌹😍Slim & Petite 100% Real💁🏽💋 Pleasurable Paris🤑 Magic Touch🙌🏽 - 22
(Westchester, Westchester OUTCALL ONLY)
⛔️Nuevo booty in town come lets party .. Sexy nicole special ⛔️ - 21
(Westchester, Elmsford in call)
(( NW! )) FL¡RTy (( X o T ¡ C ❤ BRUNETTE ❤ P L a ¥ m A T )))) - 22
(Westchester, Westchester/ Ny)
NaUgHtY TeMpTiNg &TaSty; NiKi ** BaCk 1 NiGhT OnLY** Slip N Slide HoT TuB Many More $peCiAL$ - 20
(Westchester, ArDsLey Yonkers INcall)
★ ❤ ★ JINGER ★ ❤ ★ In White Plains NOW!! - 43
(Westchester, White Plains Incall, Nice Hotel thru Fri)
💎🎀GORGEOUS MELISSA & BEAUTIFUL EMILY💄💋 2 girl specials. ~Latinas Available Now💃❤️🌹 - 21
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn, queens, Staten Island)
HaNdS DoWn #1 HOTTEST+ + + + + + BoMbShELL iN ToWn + + + + + + +SmOkInG HoTT! ! - 22
🌸———💋—— GOOGLE👗💄-MY_ NUMBER ON- MY- NAME——— •*°100% AND PICTURES💎 NO👙🎀*GiMMiCks** *** - 26
💜 __ EVERyONE'S FAVORiTE ___💜___ PERFECT 10 ___💜___ NO DiSSAPOiNTMENTS __ (( 100% ME )) - 18
(Westchester, Yonkers)
💋Complaciente Nikki🍭S E N S U A L💋 S E X Y Come Party with Me 😝80$specials💋19145642418 - 21
(Westchester, Ardsley Incalls all morning 💋)
Discreet Asian models doing outcalls in Westchester^ ✘◘ - 25
(Westch/Yonkers/Tarytown (646-427-6986))
CAN yOu HaNdLe I'll WORK you out like really WORK YOU OUT! LETS get in SHAPE! - 20
(Westchester, In / Out ....24/7 **)
calling mature men new in town russian curvy busty sweetheart 347 228 0679 - 27
(Westchester, Elmsford hotel///)
CoMe GeT iT (¯NEW¯) *o* ((★ AnY WaY YoU WaNt iT ★)) *o* (¯NEW¯) LiMiTeD TiMe - 23
(Westchester, ****Nanuet****)
◆ ———— E—L—i—T—E ►_________◄ C—O—M—P—A —N—i—O—N ————◆ - 23
(Westchester, Westchester OR Rockland ONLY)
Come Cool Off With CaRM ♥ SaY my NaME ♥ CaRM (AC Set @ A Cool 75 Degrees) - 20
(RIVERDALE, BROADWAY, MY CONDO. W235th, Westchester)
✔ CAUTION •-:¦:-• YOUR NEW •-:¦:-• # ❶ ADDICTION•! __ U WILL __ NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 22
(Westchester, ♥ ♥ Your place ♥ ♥)